简介:Two years after their basketball victory, Los Amigos is reunited by Cecilia, an inexperienced but optimistic coach. Against all odds they find themsel
简介:Battlestar Galactica 是随七十年代星球大战的电影热潮而制成的科幻电视剧,虽然其曾经制造过电影版本,但最后由于精雕细刻而招致整个系列失败收场经过三十年后的明天,Battlestar Galactica 已算是一套经典的科幻影片,故于 2003 年由美国的科幻电视台 SCI FI C
简介:The stranded Colonials struggle to survive under the brutal Cylon rule of New Caprica, but when Galactica returns to save humanity, the fledgling Flee