简介:Ya Nina / Lucky Girl is a realistic drama based on true stories. It is featuring a sudden change of life of successful TV star Nina after the cancer d
简介:一切始于三天前,正驾车行驶的汤姆·凯勒(丹尼尔·巴德 Daniel Buder 饰)不测撞到一名路人,下车后却发现对方表现怪异,而周围似乎堕入了莫名的恐慌之中,有的人似乎遭到某种奇异病毒的感染,转而化作嗜血如命的丧尸,疯狂袭击每一个无辜的路人汤姆仓惶失措,带着急需的物资躲进了童年时代经常游玩的美国基
简介:The story of a five year old little rebellious girl Vitka with her teenage cousin Larysa and her boyfriend, the young criminal Scar unfolds in a Ukrai